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خوب هستين؟
من تا 2 هفته ديگه ميام گوتنبرگ.ميخواستم بپرسم چطورى از سايت SGS ميشه خونه گرفت؟بايد فرم را پر كنيم و بفرستيم؟و آيا ميشه زود خونه گير آورد؟شركت BOPLATS كه مثل اين كه حالا حالا ها ازش خبرى نميشه.وضعيت SGS چطوره؟

hoe to rent from sgs? by Pantea MoghimiPantea Moghimi, 08 Aug 2008 09:13

Hi friends,
I'm just accepted in Chalmers, and I should start my studies from the coming semester. I need some help communicating with the students studying in the program I'm accepted on. the program is Bioinformatics and Systems biology. I want to talk with them specially in order to find out which books are required for my program and then which ones I can bring from Iran.
I'll be thankful if you help.

- A week sounds quite reasonable for finding a desirable place.
- You can find a list of hostels in GBG in this link: page by CIRC. Chose one near to Chalmers! Use or for finding their address on map.
- I opened a new discussion thread for finding roommates. You may add a request there to find a roommate.

Oh! I see.Then I guess i've been unlucky so far, but who knows luck may come tommorow
about your suggestion I would like to ask some more questions :
-Is a week enough in your opinion? or I should come sooner?
-then where do you recommend for that temprory stay?
-are there any iranian students (among girls of course) who might be seeking for a very nice roommate! even for a short period, that you
you might know par hasard( be tor tasadofi) ?
-am I asking too many questions? :)
Thanks a lot

About :
This website only provides space for showing ads. It is not responsible for contract or any other services.
In case of private renting, usually landlords decide how to handle the contract. (or have it at all. without contract they don't have to pay tax…)
The best way to find accommodation: move to Göteborg as soon as you can. Then you can use help of Chalmers Accommodation Office to find a place, check the online ads and go and see different places and find the best one which suits you. Finding accommodation online isn't impossible but sure it's hard and depends on your luck!
Wish you luck,

Hi everybody,
I encounter problems, finding a proper accommodation
I’ll start my studies in Chalmers 1 September 2008, but
I have not yet been able to find any accommodation in Goteborg.
The Chalmersstudentbostader section for International students had no available accommodation since the results were announced!
The SGS requires the visa which in my case will be ready in a few days, however it seems it has got a long queue so I don’t know if I can count on that at all!
I also have been trying on Boplats, for more than a month but I just keep receiving the message “ you are not among the applicants …..”
So I really don’t know what else I can do! I would appreciate any comments, help, advice etc.
By the way I have not understood how it works on Studentlya. For I received an offer from a Swedish family who had a spare room but I really couldn’t imagine how I can trust them at all!! So my question is Who is in charge of contracts there and how they should be managed( I mean the contracts), is this site just putting adds or it has other services? Will you please give me some guidance about this site.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to help me.

In case of appartments of chalmer studentbostader, you put two names in the contract. Apartment amenities are for one person but you can add some stuff like bed by yourself. However, it is possible find some stuffs like chairs and bed stand free of charge.
In case of other appartments, it dpends on the landlord!

باز هم ممنون به خاطر راهنمييتون.
من يك نفر هم اتاقى پيدا كرده ام و ميخواهيم با هم يك خانه بگيريم.شرايط اين كار چيست؟منظورم در مورد قراردادى است كه بايد ببنديم.دو نفره ميشود؟
در ضمن در آپارتمان هاى دانشگاه شرايط چطورى است؟اگر آپارتمانى مبله باشد،و بخواهيم دو نفره استفاده كنيم، بايد خودمان اسباب اضافى بخريم يا اصلا اتاق دو نفره ميشود پيدا كرد؟

Since you dont have person number yet, you just enter four random number for just now to get an account. You can change it when you get your person number.

ببخشيد فقط يك سوال ديگر:
در اين سايت باپلتس بايد حتما با SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER عضو شد؟
يعنى من كه هنوز ندارم نميتوانم عضو شوم؟

Benefits of renting accommodation from Chalmers students bostader are: (from my point of view)
- Nearness to Chalmers
- Student base environment
- Good enough services
However, getting a room from Chalmers is kind of hard for new student. Your best chance is to rent an apartment with someone else for first six months or first year.
Check out the accommodation page of the website for more information…

Finding a job here is NOT a simple task. I suggest not basing your expenses on finding a job here. Although you may find a job in few months but it depends on your opinion on an appropriate "Job" and mostly on your Swedish language skills.

سلام دوستان
من براى سال تحصيلى جديد از چالمرز پذيرش گرفتم. الان بزرگترين مشكلم پيدا كردن مسكن است.چه فرقى ميكند كه از آپارتمان هاى خود دانشگاه بگيريم يا از خصوصى ها؟
در ضمن شما مخارجتون را از ايران برايتان ميفرستند يا خودتان كارى پيدا كرديد؟چون هزينه مسكن خيلى بالاست و به دليل كم بودن ارزش پول ايران اگر آنجا آدم كارى پيدا كند بسيار راحت تر است.
در مورد پيدا كردن كار و يافتن منزل مناسب لطفا مرا راهنمايى كنيد.آيا بهتر است در ابتدا منزل تكى باشد؟چون چگونه بايد از اينجا هم اتاقى مناسب پيدا كرد؟
با تشكر

I added some tables in tips page. Maybe later we create a sectiopn for prospective students and put them there.

Re: Suggestions by mehdivahabmehdivahab, 10 Oct 2007 22:44

I'm in. Drop me a line at moc.liamg|ainitarson#moc.liamg|ainitarson and let's hit some balls :)

Re: Playing Billiard by NosratiniaNosratinia, 08 Oct 2007 20:14

I suggest we add a section about living expenses and put some realistic ranges for essential items. We used to have an old one back in 2005 as I recall. But some updates is in order.

Re: Suggestions by NosratiniaNosratinia, 08 Oct 2007 20:06

Yeah, Fysiken ticket is about 75 kr. But if you are really interested you may get a card for 3 month (with student discount) to use other services than football salon.
Weather isn't good for outdoor football which are usually cheaper or free of charge…

Re: Football in Fysiken by mehdivahabmehdivahab, 20 Sep 2007 20:02


I would also be happy to play. So, let me know too. BTW, does it cost anything or will be free (you know I'm in a tigh budget, so it matters for me).


Re: Football in Fysiken by M_AliM_Ali, 17 Sep 2007 08:24
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